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착한 사마리아인'이 시드니 서부에서 폭행당했다.

Good Samaritan’ assaulted in Sydney’s inner west

A good Samaritan was assaulted overnight by a man he was trying to help, after spotting him struggling in water in inner Sydney.

착한 사마리언이 시드니 내륙의 물에서 버둥거리고 있는 그를 발견한 후, 구조을 요청했던 그 사람에게 밤사이 폭행을 당했다.

David Hannon told TODAY that he spotted a person he thought was in distress in the water near Elliott Street in Balmain around 11pm yesterday. 

데이빗 해넌은 그가 발견한 사람이 어제밤 11시경 발메인의 엘리엇 스트리트 근처 물안에서 고통받고있다고 생각했다고 오늘 말했다.

Mr Hannon approached the 24-year-old in small boat, only for the man to allegedly turn aggressive, assaulting him.

해넌씨는 작은 배을 타고 갑자기 폭력적으로 바뀌었다고 전해지는 24살 먹은 사람에게 접근을 해서 폭행을 당했다

A good Samaritan who attempted to rescue a man struggling to swim in water has been assaulted overnight. Picture: 9NEWS.

“He was really aggressive, so I decided to just keep an eye on him,” he said.

그는 매우 공격적 이어서 그를 계속 지켜보기로 결심했다고 그는 말했다.

“Then he clambered into the boat and I couldn’t help but let him in.”

그리고 그는 보트안으로 침입했고 나는 그가 안으로 들어오는 것을 막을 수 없었다.

It is alleged the man then stole the boat, leaving Mr Hannon with no other option than to jump into the water himself.

그 사람은 그리고 보트를 훔쳤다고 전해졌고 해넌씨는 물속에 띄어들기 외의 다른 방법이 없이 떠났다.

David Hannon told TODAY he used a small boat to reach the man, who then turned aggressive and stole the vessel for himself. Picture: 9NEWS.

David Hannon told TODAY he used a small boat to reach the man, who then turned aggressive and stole the vessel for himself. Picture: 9NEWS.

Marine police worked with PolAir authorities to track down the 24-year-old, who was later arrested. 

해경은 PolAir 당국과 같이 24살을 수배했고, 후에 체포되었다.

He was taken to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital for assessment.

그는 검사받기 위해 로얄 프린스 알프레드 병원으로 옮겨졌다.


Emergency services who attended the scene helped Mr Hannon back to shore, where he was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics for minor injuries.

현장에 도착한 긴급구조대가 경미한 부상에 대해 NSW 응급구조대의 치료를 받은 해넌씨를 바다로 되돌아오게하는 데 도움을 주었다.

Meanwhile, a 47-year-old man was also arrested in the nearby suburb of Rozelle after marine police officers were alerted to reports of a person pointing a rifle aimed at the scene of the Balmain assault.

한편 47세의 한 남성은 해양 경찰관들이 발마인 공격 현장을 겨냥한 소총을 겨누고 있다는 보도를 접한 후 로젤 인근 교외에서도 체포되었다.

The 24-year-old man was later arrested by police and taken to hospital for assessment. Picture: 9NEWS.

The 24-year-old man was later arrested by police and taken to hospital for assessment. Picture: 9NEWS.

Authorities seized three firearms and an ammunition at a unit block on Wulumay Close, where it is alleged the man was using a rifle equipped with a scope to see what was happening at Balmain.

관계 당국은 WolumayClose에 위치한 부대 블록에서 총기 3정과 실탄 1발을 압수했는데, 그 곳에서 이 남자는 발마인에서 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는지 보기 위해 사정 거리를 재는 소총을 사용했다는 주장이 있다.

The man was taken to Newtown Police Station and charged with a range of offences including handling a firearm under the influence of alcohol.

이 남성은 뉴타운 경찰서로 끌려 갔고 술에 취한 상태에서 총을 다루는 것을 포함한 다양한 범죄로 기소되었다.

The man is expected to face court later this month.

그 남자는 이달 말 법정에 출두할 것으로 예상된다.

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