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SalimMehajer는 선거 사기 유죄 선고 후 감옥에서 더 많은 시간을 보내게 되었다

Salim Mehajer set for more time in jail after electoral fraud conviction

Salim Mehajer is facing a lengthy stint in jail after he was found guilty of rigging the 2012 Auburn Council election.

Salim Mehajer 는 2012 Auburn Council 선거의 조작으로 유죄 판결을 받은 후 긴 수감생활에 직면하고 있다.

The controversial former Deputy Mayor of Auburn says he plans engage a new legal and appeal the decision, which was handed down in Central Local Court today.

논란이 많은 어번의 전 부시장은 새로운 법에 연계할 것과 오늘 중앙 지방법원에 이송된 판결을 항소하기로 계획하고 있다고 말한다.

Salim Mehajer walking into Sydney court this morning, where he was convicted of electoral fraud. (Supplied)
His sister Fatima Mehajer has already pleaded guilty to 77 counts of giving false information to the electoral commission. (AAP)
His sister Fatima Mehajer has already pleaded guilty to 77 counts of giving false information to the electoral commission. (AAP)
The controversial property developer was found guilty of engaging in a "joint criminal enterprise" to rig the 2012 council election. (AAP)
The controversial property developer was found guilty of engaging in a "joint criminal enterprise" to rig the 2012 council election. (AAP)

A week after he was released on bail on unrelated charges, Mehajer jogged from a Porsche into court for today's decision.

관련이 없는 혐의로 보석으로 풀려난 후 일주일, Mehajer 는 오늘 판결을 위해 포르쉐에서 법정으로 걸어갔다.

He watched from the body of the court as Magistrate Beverley Schurr announced she had found “Mr Mehajer was part of the joint criminal enterprise” with his sister Fatima Mehajer.

그는 그의 누이 Fatima Mehajer 와 그녀는 "Mr Mehajer 는 공동 범죄 사업의 일원 이었다."는 것을 알아냈다 고 발표한 Magistrate Beverley Schurr를 법정에서 바라보았다,

The siblings communicated by text message about changing the addresses of people they wanted to stand alongside them in the election to homes within the electorate. 

그 남매는 그들과 함께하기를 원하는 사람들의 주소를 그 유권자들의 집으로 바꾸는 것에 대해 문자로 연락했다.

He will be spending more time behind bars, after recently having been released on bail after a three-month stint in Silverwater on unrelated charges. (9NEWS)
He will be spending more time behind bars, after recently having been released on bail after a three-month stint in Silverwater on unrelated charges. (9NEWS)

“Make sure they’re all in Auburn,” Mehajer wrote to his sister. 

"그들이 모두 어번에 있는지 확인하라", Mehajer 이 그의 누이에게 썼다.

Magistrate Schurr said he was well aware those people actually resided in homes at Pemulway, Concord, Acacia Gardens and Greenacre.

Magistrate Schurr 는 그가 그들이 실제로 Pemulway, Concord, Acacia Gardens and Greenacre 에 있는 집들에서 살고 있다는 것을 잘 알고 있었다고 말했다.


She was also satisfied he forged Electoral Commission documents for friends and family to make them eligible to vote in the election. 

그녀는 또한 그가 그의 친구들과 가족들이 선거에서 투표가 가능해지도록 선거관리위원회의 서류들을 위조했다는 것을 받아들이고 있었다.

Those family members included then fiancé Aysha Learmonth. 

그 가족 멤버들에 그 약혼자 Aysha Learmonth 가 포함되어 있었다.

Mehajer leaving Silverwater accompanied by his father last Wednesday. (9NEWS)
Mehajer leaving Silverwater accompanied by his father last Wednesday. (9NEWS)

Mehajer was elected to council with less than 10 percent of the formal vote, while his sister did not make it onto the council.

Last year, his sister Fatima Mehajer pleaded guilty to the 77 charges against her.

Mr Mehajer is also facing allegations he staged a car crash to avoid a separate court hearing last year. He was seen hugging his father and solicitor after he was released on bail on those charges last week. 

Today Mehajer said he would appeal, posting a statement to Instagram while he sat in court. 

"I have HUGE confidence in the Justice System and I am sure everything will be okay," he wrote.

"I did not give evidence during trial, though I wish I did - to answer 'the Gaps'. My new legal team will respectfully be appealing the decision."

His lawyers asked for the opportunity to get a report from a psychologist before a sentence hearing in June and for bail to be continued at least until then.

He will remain on bail for now despite the conviction. A sentence hearing will be held in June.

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